
易红单 2024-08-03 22:59:35 71 上一篇下一篇

Kalmar VS Hammarby

Kalmar host Hammarby for this Swedish Allsvenskan round 17 battle at Guldfågeln Arena late Sunday evening time. This is the highest tier of Swedish football. The level of this league is of somewhat mediocre level by European standards..  A game of slightly better than average quality by this league's standards is expected here - mainly thanks to Hammarby's high pure class.. Most importantly, us serious, profit-hungry bettors have yet another very lucrative betting opportunity here! My fans and I have won six picks in a row! Longer-term results are also great - in the EURO 2024 we made a very good profit! There is no doubt about the fact that Hammarby are the better team in terms of pure class here – by a substantial margin.. Let's take a closer look at this very interesting game betting-wise!

Kalmar are a pretty small team in terms of overall financial resources, fan-base and players' estimated total market value. Indeed, according to a well-known and respected German website, Transfermarkt.com, their squad has an estimated market value of only some 10.40 million euros.  It is a low number by this league's standards.. It is, however, slightly too high in my expert opinion though.. The Hammarby players are valued at a total of around 24 million euros. This is a bit too low as well. Some 27 million would be a more realistic number.  Having said that I want to highlight, the total market values very often reflect the teams' level on the pitch well but can, of course, occasionally be misleading as well.. For example, a still extremely good player, Leo Messi, 37, who plays for Inter Miami in the MLS in the USA, is valued at only 30 million euros.. Hammarby come from Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. They are a big club in terms of overall financial resources and fan-base. A significant number of enthusiastic Hammarby fans are expected to show up at Guldfågeln Arena to cheer for their team here!

Last season was a inarguably disappointment to Hammarby.. Yes, they finished only in 7th place with 44 points in their pocket. However, their number of expected points (xPTS) was bigger -  47.67 to be precise. Kalmar, on the other hand, played much better than probably anyone would have expected, taking 6th place with 45 points. However, their number of xPTS was much lower. Moreover, their score difference was clearly negative – 35:40. Many of their players played massively over their normal level last season.. However, this "fairytale" has come to an "ugly" end this season! Indeed, Kalmar have been even worse than I expected in my in-depth preseason analysis! They currently occupy the 15th place in this league with a total of 16 clubs! They have a pathetic 16 points to their account and have only very limited potential for improvement. The bookies, however, seem to see being able to improve much more than I do.. Indeed, odds of around 2.25 are widely available on the Hammarby win! We will gladly place a bet on them! I expect smart money from professional independent sports bettors and betting syndicates – resulting in odds dropping before the kick off. Indeed, I recommend my fans to place the bet as soon as possible! Based on my strongly data-based in-depth analysis - with the expected lineups - Hammarby have a 53.50% chance to take all three points here. Kalmar will be without Gustafsson and Jansson. Ylätupa's situation is questionable at the time of posting this analysis. As for Hammarby, Fenger and Winther are out. I want to emphasize that it is hard to mention anything overly positive about Kalmar's performances this season.. They have lost 10 of their 16 games in this league. Even at home they have won only two games in the Allsvenskan! Their offense is not totally useless but it is still far from even mediocre by this league's standards. Indeed, it lacks especially speed and individual skill but the structure is decent.. Their defense, on the other hand, is leaky to say the least. They have allowed 33 goals – only Norrköping have allowed more goals -  37. Kalmar's  defenders often overestimate their skills -  giving clearly too risky passes near their own goal, the structure is poor and the midfielders are not active enough in defending.. Moreover, they are often very imbalanced on the pitch - ie. there are too big empty spaces between the players and when Kalmar win the ball they are often clueless with what the should do next.. An opponent of Hammarby's caliber will probably make them pay for this! Furthermore, according to my sources Kalmar's team spirit is also far from great at the moment..

Hammarby are playing a much better season performance-wise than last season! I trust their young but very talented head coach, Kim Hellberg, 36, a lot! He is an inspiring leader and tactically very smart. For some reason he is often undervalued in the Swedish football media - which possibly affects the odds to some extent as well.. Hammarby have a much deeper squad than Kalmar and the Hammarby squad is full of "hungry" players - that often sit on the bench - eager to prove their skills! This will play a role in the 2nd half when fatigue might become an issue.. They are in 4th place and have a big chance of making it to the top-3! They are only one point behind Mjällby, currently in 3rd place. However, GAIS, in 5th place at the time of writing this preview are playing against Norrköping at the time of writing this analysis and could topple Hammarby. Hammarby occupy the 3rd place in my power rating. For clarification, this rating reflects the teams' pure class with the best possible starting lineup – excluding the motivation factor as well as the possible fatigue – caused by a demanding schedule.. Kalmar are in only 15th place in this rating and could well be relegated to the Superettan for next season!  Hammarby have a fine 28 points in their pocket and have won five of their last seven Allsvenskan games. Things seem to be going into the right direction for this traditional team.. They have scored a strong 26 goals and have allowed only 16 goals in this league. Only Djurgården have conceded less goals!  Hammarby's defensive structure is excellent and silly individual mistakes are very rare. Yes, their defence can be vulnerable under relentless, well-organized pressing but Kalmar will most probably not be able to apply this strategy here!

In their last game Hammarby were priced around 2.10-2.15 to beat Mjällby at home on the betting market. This was clearly too high – and yet another example of the bookies undervaluing Hammarby! Indeed, they crushed the visitors 3-0 after a terrific performance! They recorded many more goal attempts, big scoring chances, shots on goal, shots off target, corner kicks, attacks, dangerous attacks, touches in the opponent's penalty area (23-9) and final third entries (57-30) than the dangerous opponent, Mjällby! The expected goals (xG) numbers were 2.87-0.64 in the hosts' favour. Before this hammarby were, rather strangely, solid underdogs in an away game against Brommapojkarna, priced around 3.10 to win. Well, they took a comfortable 2-0 win! Toure and Erabi scored the goals in the second half. I liked the way Hammarby defended as a team in this tricky away game. They had 58.30% ball possession and recorded three shots on goal (7-4) as well as attacks. They also had four big scoring chances – the hosts managed none -  thanks mainly to Hammarby's well-organized defence and great attitude to defend the opponent's attacks. The Hammarby players fought very hard in most duels - indicating that they are determined to grab a place in the top-3! The teams who finish 2nd and 3rd earn a ticket for the UEFA Europa Conference League Qualification next season. This would mean a lot to the club and the players!  However, Brommapojkarna did have several scoring chances with a low xG and could have netted the ball, of course.. Before this Hammarby were - in all honesty -  lame, losing to Göteborg, a pretty big but underperforming team 0-1 aat home. However, I want to highlight that Hammarby performed well below their normal level in this game. Furthermore, we have to give Göteborg  a lot of credit – they played one of their best games of the season, despite having only 33% ball possession.. They even generated a little more in xG.. However, Hammarby should have scored at least once – they recorded 10 goal attempts and many more attacks and dangerous attacks than the visitors – 52-41 to be precise.

Kalmar have taken a few wins lately but their performances on the pitch have not impressed me.. Yes, an a good day they can play well but those days have been very rare.. They have lost two of their last three games. In their most recent match they were narrow underdogs against Norrköping on the road but lost 0-2. The hosts were far from great but deserved the three points! They had more shots on goal and goal attempts. Let's not forget that Hammarby are a hugely better than Norrköping! Before this Kalmar beat Djurgården, a strong team, currently in 2nd place, 2-1 at home. I believe this underserved win affects the odds too much here.. Indeed, the visitors were the much better team on the pitch – as a whole I mean. Kalmar does have their (good) moments though.. Djurgården recorded many more total shots, shots on target (6-3), shots inside the penalty box (10-6), big scoring chances (4-2), accurate passes (375-290), total final third passes 160-71, final third entries and touches in the opponent's penalty area. Their players were also fouled (the opponent committing the foul) three times in the final third of the pitch –whereas no Kalmar players were fouled in the final third. Djurgården generated 1.67 in xG – Kalmar managed only 1.01. Before this Kalmar were marginal favourites on the betting market at the time of kickoff but lost to Brommapojkarna 0-1 at Guldfågeln Arena in front of only some 5500 spectators.. The visitors were not even at their best in this game. It was a pretty low-level and low-tempo clash as a whole. Both teams had just one big scoring chance. The Kalmar fans have - totally understandably -  been very frustrated with their team's lame season – also at home..

Several more top-quality picks - with an extensive preview - on big matches in Norway and Sweden - with lucrative odds of course - will be posted early Sunday morning Beijing time!

GOOD LUCK and thanks to my growing fan-base!

(CORRECTION to the Stromsgodset vs Brann, chapter 3: "Having only two full days between games is far from important in professional football" There is a typo, I apologize to my fans for that!

It should say " Having only two full days between two games is far from OPTIMAL in professional football" )



周日晚些时候,卡尔玛将在guldf<s:1> geln竞技场迎战瑞典阿尔斯文斯坎队的第17轮比赛。这是瑞典足球的最高级别。按照欧洲的标准,这个联赛的水平还算中等。以联盟的标准来看,一场比平均水平稍好一点的比赛是值得期待的——主要是由于哈马比的高纯度水平。最重要的是,我们这些认真的、渴望利润的赌徒在这里又有了一个非常有利可图的赌博机会!我和我的粉丝已经连续六次获得选秀权了!长期业绩也很好——在2024年欧洲杯上,我们获得了非常好的利润!毫无疑问,汉马比在纯粹的阶级方面是一支更好的球队——以相当大的优势。让我们来仔细看看这个非常有趣的赌博游戏!


上个赛季对汉马比来说无疑是失望的。是的,他们以44分的成绩排名第七。然而,他们的期望值(xPTS)更大,准确地说是47.67。另一方面,卡尔玛的表现可能比任何人预期的都要好得多,以45分排名第六。然而,他们的xPTS数量要低得多。此外,他们的得分差距明显为负,为35:40。他们的很多球员上赛季的表现都大大超过了正常水平。然而,这个“童话”在这一季迎来了一个“丑陋”的结局!事实上,卡尔玛的表现比我在季前赛的深度分析中预期的还要糟糕!他们目前在这个联赛中排名第15位,总共有16家俱乐部!他们只有可怜的16分,而且提升的潜力非常有限。然而,赌徒们似乎比我更能看到我的进步。事实上,大约2.25的*在Hammarby获胜上广泛存在!我们很乐意在他们身上下注!我期待着来自专业的独立体育投注者和*集团的聪明的钱——导致*在开球前下降。的确,我建议我的粉丝们尽快下注!根据我基于数据的深度分析,加上预期的阵容,汉马比有53.50%的机会拿到全部三分。卡尔玛将失去古斯塔夫松和杨松。在发表这篇分析时,Ylätupa的情况值得怀疑。至于Hammarby, Fenger和Winther已经出局了。我想强调的是,对卡尔玛本赛季的表现再怎么积极都不为过。他们在这个联盟的16场比赛中输了10场。即使在主场,他们也只在阿尔斯温斯坎赢了两场比赛!他们的进攻并不是一无是处,但以联盟的标准来看,他们的进攻还远远不够平庸。的确,它特别缺乏速度和个人技巧,但结构还不错。另一方面,他们的防御至少可以说是漏洞百出。他们丢了33球,只有Norrköping丢了37球。卡尔玛的后卫经常高估自己的技术——在自己的球门附近传球明显过于危险,结构不佳,中场防守不够积极。此外,他们在球场上往往非常不平衡。球员之间的空间太大了,当卡尔玛赢球时,他们常常不知道下一步该怎么做。汉马比这样的对手可能会让他们为此付出代价!此外,根据我的消息来源,卡尔玛的团队精神目前也远远谈不上伟大。





得分机会(4-2),准确传球(375-290),最后三分之一传球总数(160-71),最后三分之一进入和在对方禁区内触球。他们的球员在最后三分之一的场地也被犯规(对手犯规)三次,而卡尔马队的球员在最后三分之一的场地没有被犯规。djurgamatrden在xG中产生1.67 -卡尔玛只产生1.01。在此之前,卡尔马在开球时是*市场上的热门,但在只有大约5500名观众的guldfageln体育场以0比1输给了Brommapojkarna。客队在这场比赛中甚至没有发挥出最佳状态。总的来说,这是一场低水平、低节奏的冲突。两队都只有一次大的得分机会。卡尔马的球迷——完全可以理解——对他们球队这个赛季的糟糕表现感到非常沮丧——也是在主场。






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