
海外来料 2024-09-27 04:02:40 192 上一篇下一篇

本文由海外专家Free Super Tips@FootySuperTips独家放送:
  • 卡迪夫队在过去八场对阵赫尔城的锦标赛中,有七场未能保持不失球
  • 卡迪夫队在过去的三场锦标赛中以0比0输掉了比赛


预言: 赫尔城获胜


  • Cardiff have failed to keep a clean sheet in seven of their last eight Championship games against Hull
  • Cardiff have lost their last three Championship games to nil

Hull will feel more confident after last Friday’s 3-1 win at Stoke, and they can follow up by defeating Cardiff at the MKM Stadium. The new-look Tigers are adjusting to head coach Tim Walter’s methods and they will provide tough opposition for the Bluebirds, who sacked Erol Bulut last weekend.

Predictions:Hull City to Win


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