
易红单 2024-10-03 02:20:02 159 上一篇下一篇

Sturm Graz VS Club Brugge

Sturm (try to) challenge Club Brugge KV in this UEFA Champions League league phase round 2 battle at Merkur-Arena early Thursday morning Beijing time. This is the highest of UEFA's three club competitions. Football fans and as profit-hungry, serious bettors can expect a game of lower than average quality by this league's standards here. Even so, we have yet another fine betting opportunity to keep winning betting on this the Champions League (UCL)!  I have posted another free pick as well! The hosts are the reigning champions of Austria. Club Brugge won the Belgian Jupiler Pro League last season. They were unbeaten in the 10 Championship Group games, winning 7/10. I want to highlight that the Jupiler Pro League is of significantly better quality than the Austrian Bundesliga! Basically there are two strong teams, Sturm Graz and Salzburg, a few decent teams but the rest 7-8 teams are quite lowly by pure class - and small in terms of financial resources and players' estimated total market value, according to Transfermarkt.com, a well-known source.. Brugge are the much bigger team here in terms of estimated squad market value. Their players have an estimated market value of some 150 million euros -  but this is clearly too low! The Sturm Graz squad is valued at 68 million euros. This is a little too high.. The Belgians are clear favourites here and I would be surprised if they were to lose this one! The hosts would probably need some luck to take all three points..

Graz have started the season quite well, winning five of the eight Bundesliga games. However, their goal difference is not very convincing – 14:10. They have won just one of their last four games. On the 28th of last month they beat BW Linz 2-1 on the road - as clear favourites on the betting market. They were only slightly better as a whole in this game. I need to mention that Brugge played their last game one day earlier which gives them a small edge over Graz in terms of rest and time to prepare for this big game. Both Graz and Linz  had four shots on goal but Graz did have more goal attempts 19-15 to be precise. Before this they faced Austria Vienna on the road as favourites according to the bookies but it was a 2-2 draw. Rather surprisingly, the hosts had 62% ball possession and had more goal attempts, shots on goal and shots off target. In round 7 Graz lost to Wolfsberger AC 0-3 at home as very clear favourites. Yes, the final score flatters the visitors but Graz were still very disappointing! They were strangely imbalanced on the pitch for most of the 90 minutes of play.. In round 1 of the UCL the were poor, losing to Brest 0-2 in France.  Let's remember that Brest are not a big team even in France - not to mention for this level. Even so, Graz generated only 0.16 in xG! Brest managed 1.93.

Brugge lost to a big German team, Dortmund, UCL finalists last season, 0-3 at home in round 1 of the UCL. The Germans were pretty clear favourites, of course. Even so, Brugge had one more goal attempt and Dortmund managed only a little more in xG – 1.89-1.75 to be precise. The final score is very misleading! Brugge are in 4th place in the Jupiler Pro League with 14 points after nine games. They have not been quite at their best yet though but have potential for significant improvement!  I trust their head coach and skilled players. They would have to improve their defending as a team, especially against counter attacks.. No, they have not won any of their last three games but before that won four games in a row.  In their most recent match they had to settle for a 1-1 draw away from home against Charleroi. They did record more goal attempts, shots off goal (14-9) and corner kicks but I was a little disappointed with their performance as a whole. Charleroi, however, played above their normal level.. Before this they lost to a dangerous team. Gent, 2-4 at home. The final score is highly misleading! Brugge had almost 30 goal attempts and had many more shots on goal (9-4), shots off target (18-3), corner kicks (11-2), attacks and dangerous attacks. They also generated more in xG. On the 14th of last month they crushed Kortrijk 3-0 on the road after a pretty dominant performance! Before this they swept past a decent opponent, Cercle Brugge KSV, at home. 3-0 was the final score and Brugge had over 20 goal attempts and also recorded many more shots on goal – 11-3. 

GOOD LUCK and thanks to all my old and new fans!




格拉茨本赛季开局不错,赢得了8场德甲比赛中的5场。然而,他们的净胜球差距并不令人信服——14:10。他们最近四场比赛只赢了一场。上个月28日,他们客场2-1击败了BW林茨队,成为*市场上最受欢迎的球队。在这场比赛中,他们只是整体上略胜一筹。我需要提到的是布鲁日的最后一场比赛提前了一天,这让他们在休息和准备这场重要比赛的时间上比格拉茨有一点优势。格拉茨和林茨都有4次射门,但准确地说,格拉茨的射门次数更多。在此之前,根据*公司的说法,他们在客场面对奥地利维也纳,但双方以2比2战平。令人惊讶的是,主队的控球率为62%,射门次数、射正次数和射偏次数都更多。在第七轮比赛中,格拉茨主场0-3输给了沃尔夫斯堡AC,他们显然是夺冠热门。是的,最后的比分让客队感到高兴,但格拉茨仍然令人失望!在90分钟的比赛中,他们在球场上的大部分时间都很不平衡。在欧冠联赛第一轮,他们表现不佳,在法国0-2不敌布雷斯特。让我们记住,即使在法国,布雷斯特也不是一支强队,更不用说这个级别的球队了。即便如此,Graz在xG中只生成了0.16 !布雷斯特获得1.93分。

在欧冠联赛第一轮比赛中,布鲁日主场0-3负于德国强队多特蒙德。多特蒙德是上赛季欧冠联赛的决赛选手。当然,德国队显然是夺冠热门。尽管如此,布鲁日还是有一个进球的机会,而多特蒙德在xG - 1.89-1.75的比赛中只多了一点。最后的分数很容易误导人!布鲁日在九场比赛后以14分的成绩排在联赛第4位。虽然他们还没有达到最好的状态,但有很大的改进潜力!我信任他们的主教练和技术娴熟的球员。作为一个团队,他们必须提高他们的防守,尤其是在防守反击的时候。不,他们最近三场比赛一场都没有赢,但在那之前他们赢了四场比赛。在最近的一场比赛中,他们不得不在客场1-1战平沙勒罗瓦。他们的进球次数、射偏次数(14胜9负)和角球次数都有所增加,但我对他们的整体表现有点失望。然而,沙勒罗瓦队的表现超出了他们的正常水平。在此之前,他们输给了一支危险的球队。主场2胜4负。最后的分数是极具误导性的!布鲁日有近30次进球尝试,并且有更多的射正(9胜4负)、射偏(18胜3负)、角球(11胜2负)、进攻和危险进攻。他们在xG中也产生了更多。上个月14日,他们在主场以3-0大胜科尔特里克队。在此之前,他们在主场横扫了一个劲敌——布鲁日骑士队。3-0是最后的比分,布鲁日有超过20次的进球尝试,也有更多的射门记录——11-3。



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