[海外]赛事分析预测:Accrington Stanley vs Barrow预测

海外来料 2024-10-18 01:43:09 204 上一篇下一篇

本文由海外专家Free Super Tips@FootySuperTips独家放送:
  • 巴罗在最近三场联赛中的两场比赛中以一个奇怪的进球输了
  • 阿灵顿在联赛二中已经连续赢了两场,而巴罗在过去的四场比赛中已经输了三场


预言: Accrington Stanley平局无赌注


  • Barrow have lost out by the odd goal in two of their last three League Two matches
  • Accrington have won two in a row in League Two while Barrow have three defeats in their last four

Accrington are on the up thanks to back-to-back victories and they can climb further away from danger by defeating Barrow at the Wham Stadium. John Doolan’s side were worthy 2-1 winners at Gillingham last Saturday and they can triumph over Barrow, who have lost five of their last six matches.

Predictions:Accrington Stanley Draw No Bet


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